So ever since my 12th new year , my parents always bought my self and my siblings a diary for the new year,
usually they're boring diaries with just the dates and the months for that year.
but for 2014, my parents got a different type of diary for me, this diary seems exceptionally interesting, every week, there's an inspirational quote on the top of the page, cool huh?
yeah i agree, but not only that, every month it gives you something to look help the inner you and give you a bigger self confidence boost:
i'll put a link at the very end where you can get your own copy
the first page you turned too it has a huge paragraph, entitled
i'll give you a little summary as to what that said:
This year the theme is your most exciting challenge ever: Amaze Yourself
No that doesn't mean jumping through hoops to be somebody you're not, just the opposite, it's all about being who you truly are. You to the nth degree, in other words your only instruction is to let yourself be surprised. discover depths you've never plumbed, abilities you've never exercised, interests you've never explored, aspects of yourself you never even knew you had. from food to friendship, go towards the new and unexpected. stretch yourself.
i read that section and couldn't give it up and read the whole page filled with interesting and meaningful words, when i turned to the page straight after that it had another page and this one was entitled 'January '
"Be Experimental"
Forget the tried and tested- you already have that down pat, Choose the less-travelled road. Try a new way of doing things, and if it flops, try another way. Success is built on trial and error. The biggest experiment is to be yourself, not anyone else's idea of you or your own limited self-view. Decide to become the person you've dreamed of being: you'll discover that you already are!
"set your intention"
I'm committed to surpassing self-imposed limits and realising my full potential. i continually explore new ways of being in the world.
i find this diary or book, what ever you would like to call it incredibly helpful, especially if you have self esteem issues, or you're having struggle to find the inner you. just reading those few pages i can already see a vass improvement in my self esteem issues, of course i'm going to be having ups and downs throughout the year, but i feel like this book is going to have a very big impact in getting me back on my feet and looking forward to a new day no matter how bad the previous one was.
if you can i really suggest getting your hands on this book. it will help so much. even if you don't really have self esteem issues, just a boost of confidence never hurt anyone.
get your own copy:
aww that's s sweet, and definitely i'd love to follow you. xx